A Swiss Sting: Deceit, blackmail, and criminalising language for profit

UKCOLUM Chasing a debt in Switzerland can get you internationally hounded for supposedly threatening and insulting the debtor, thanks to the legal fraternity watching each other’s backs. The story of whistleblower Trevor Kitchen. UKCOLUM


Who ist Trevor Kitchen?


Trevor Kitchen on Jerm Warfare with Jeremy Nell - info to Rudolf Elmer and Swiss Secrecy

TNT On today's show, Trevor Kitchen discusses the importance of whistleblowers and the dangers of censorship.

GUEST OVERVIEW: Trevor Kitchen is a whistleblower who helped expose the so-called "Forex scandal" in 2013. He now faces extradition to SWITZERLAND on a charge of "criminal libel" for labelling a banker "a parasite" in emails. TNT

The Dark Area of Professionals in the Offshore Business




We are writing to express our gratitude for your participation in the International Roundtable entitled “Compliance, Avoidance, and Evasion in Taxation: The Role of Professionals - The Dark Area,” on November 10, 2023.


The event was a great success and was attended by a total of 119 participants, drawing a global audience from over 20 countries!


The dialogue was deeply enriching, bringing together valuable insights, ideas, and concerns about the complex issues in the “Dark Area” of taxation. We sincerely hope the session was as engaging and informative for you as it was for us.


We are pleased to inform you that the video recordings are now publicly accessible. You can view them by visiting the following link:  CLICK HERE OR https://www.corporatecrime.co.uk/professionals-tax-compliance-and-abuse/#comp-lp2feqpk


We have also produced a 3-minute video gem and used it to advertise our fantastic discussion on LinkedIn CLICK HERE  OR https://www.linkedin.com/posts/corporatecrimeobservatory_compliance-avoidance-evasion-activity-7131569658138103808-geMX?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop


Please feel free to use and circulate them. We would be delighted if you would like to assist us in disseminating such a fascinating debate.


Thank you for sharing your time, knowledge, insights, and experiences.


Warmest regards,

Diane, Costantino, and Donato

Dr. Costantino Grasso

Interview with John Kiriakou (Russian TV)

Sovren (Link) On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with Swiss whistleblower Rudolf Elmer. While working in the Cayman Islands as an employee of Julius Baer he exposed financial crimes. In blowing the whistle, Elmer believes he was acting in the public interest. Since then he has been pursued for breaking draconian Swiss banking secrecy laws. His family has been severely harassed. Under investigation since 2005, he has already served 220 days in prison, and is still being pursued by judges of the high court in Zurich.On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with Swiss whistleblower Rudolf Elmer. While working in the Cayman Islands as an employee of Julius Baer he exposed financial crimes. In blowing the whistle, Elmer believes he was acting in the public interest. Since then he has been pursued for breaking draconian Swiss banking secrecy laws. His family has been severely harassed. Under investigation since 2005, he has already served 220 days in prison, and is still being pursued by judges of the high court in Zurich. Link Sovren

Beschwerde FINMA betr. General Counsel of Julius Baer Group

FINMA Beschwerde vom 28. April 2023 adressiert an Frau Marlene Amstad: Es geht um Falschaussagen des General Counsel of the Julius Baer Group in Bezug auf die Strafverfahren gegen den Whistleblower Rudolf Elmer, der im USA-Internet zum Terroristen von der Bank gemacht wurde.  Die erste Beschwerde wurde am 4. Februar bzw. 20. Januar 2017 an Mark Branson gesandt. Die FINMA ist in einem geheimen Verfahren (Verwaltungsverfahren) aus welchen Gründen auch immer nicht darauf eingetreten.  Die neuerliche Beschwerde vom 28. April 2023 zeigt auf, wie die Verfahrensmanipulation in der "Causa Elmer/Bankgeheimnis" abgelaufen ist, welche Konsequenzen es hatte, wie die Staatsanwaltschaft belogen wurde und mit wieviel krimineller Energie das Strafverfahren gegen den Whistleblower geführt wurde, um die dubiosen Geschäfte der Bank zu verdunkeln und zu verschleiern. Die FINMA-Beschwerde  ist ein erster Augenöffner, was von der FINMA in Sachen Crédit Suisse und dessen Management zu erwarten ist, nämlich NICHTS!


Ausser den Hinweis, dass der/die Beschwerdeführer/in keine Parteirechte haben d.h. Akteneinsicht, keine Teilnahme an den möglichen Befragungen, Informationen zur Stellungnahme der FINMA. Die Begründung ist, dass es sich um ein Verwaltungsverfahren handle d.h. mit anderen Worten ein Geheimverfahren! Die Oeffentlichkeit erhält keine Kenntnisnahme und daher wurde diese Beschwerde öffentlich gemacht.


Wie immer: Die Unschuldsvermutung für den General Counsel Christoph Hiestand gilt auch hier!



Schattenbanken, die Zeitbombe!

Infosperber:  (Zitat)   "Die Risiken der intransparenten Schattenbanken bezeichnet der Internationale Währungsfonds als «schwer einschätzbar».

Rudolf Elmer, ehemaliger Wirtschaftsprüfer, Manager der Bank Julius Bär und Geschäftsführer der Julius Baer Bank & Trust auf den Cayman Islands, machte in einem Kommentar darauf aufmerksam, dass Schattenbanken juristische Konstrukte seien, deren operative Transaktionen die Grossbanken abwickeln. Mit Stimmrechtsaktien kontrollieren Grossbanken viele Schattenbanken beispielsweise auf den Cayman Islands."   Infosperber


Totales Systemversagen in der Schweiz bis zum Umfallen der CS!

Süddeutsche Zeitung:  Rudolf Elmer ist in der Schweiz eine Art Landesverräter. Die Sache mit der Credit Suisse hat Elmer nicht überrascht. Kann jetzt natürlich jeder sagen. Aber schon im November, als auch in Finanzkreisen längst getuschelt wurde, wie lange das in Zürich noch gut gehen wird, hatte er sich per Whatsapp an die SZ gewandt. Die Credit Suisse sei nicht mehr überlebensfähig, schrieb Elmer. Schon irre, wenn man seine Nachrichten heute noch mal liest. „Die Schweizer Politik wird mit dem Argument too big to fail die CS retten. Verrückt, ich weiß! usw. Der Link: Süddeutsche Zeitung

Credit Suisse und Whistleblower Rudolf Elmer


RDN (Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland) 2008 – „Nestbeschmutzer“ Rudolf Elmer: Der ehemalige Credit-Suisse-Banker Rudolf Elmer, seit 1994 für rund zwei Jahrzehnte in den Diensten der Züricher Privatbank Julius Bär, wurde 2002 entlassen, ..........  Die Skandale der CS sind perfekt aufgelistet! RDN

Whistleblower Protection in Switzerland is Frozen in Time, Report Finds

Whistleblower Network News: Retaliatory prosecution, loyalty oaths and an “intelligence system” comprised of business and political elites continue to severely limit the freedom of people in Switzerland to safely report corruption, a new report finds.

“Secrecy laws, the lack of transparency, and the failure to protect whistleblowers are viewed as significant problems both inside and outside the country,” concludes “Stalemate: Whistleblower Protection in Switzerland” by the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation and Whistleblowing International Network.

“In Switzerland, dismissals, criminal and civil sanctions for breaching confidentiality, moral harassment, mobbing, discrimination and pressure are only some of the actions taken against whistleblowers,” the report says  ......

“In some sectors, such as banking,” it continues, “secrecy laws mean whistleblowers can and are held criminally liable for making disclosures.” Among those who have been prosecuted in Switzerland are tax evasion whistleblowers Rudolf Elmer of Julius Bär and Hervé Falciani of HSBC.  Whistleblower Network News.

Rechtzeitiger Bericht über Whistleblower-Schutzsperre in der Schweiz aufgedeckt

Neue Schweizer Zeitung:  Ein neuer Bericht stellt fest, dass Vergeltungsmaßnahmen, Treueschwüre und ein „Geheimdienstsystem“, das sich aus Geschäfts- und politischen Eliten zusammensetzt, die Freiheit der Menschen in der Schweiz, Korruption sicher zu melden, weiterhin stark einschränken.


„In manchen Sektoren wie dem Bankwesen“, fährt sie fort, „bedeuten Vertraulichkeitsgesetze, dass Whistleblower für ihre Offenlegung strafrechtlich zur Verantwortung gezogen werden können und werden.“ Unter den in der Schweiz Angeklagten sind die Whistleblower Rudolf Elmer von Julius Barr und Herve Falciani von HSBC.

usw .... Neue Schweizer Zeitung

"Next Big Thing" Interview WB Rudolf Elmer

"Next Big Thing": Inside the Credit Suisse Bank Fraud: Gangsters, bankers and the sweet Suisse secrecy. “The business of secrecy is still a money making machine”, said former banker turned whistleblower, Rudolf Elmer, who has waged a long legal fight against the Swiss banking secrecy laws. Rudolf Elmer, former banker at Julius Baer, and the Credit Suisse Bank who became a whistleblower when he exposed the discrepancies and alleged fraudulent practices going on within the Credit Suisse banking system in the name of the Swiss banking secrecy laws.

"Next Big Thing" is an internationally well known magazine!
"Founded in 2010, Next Big Thing is a lifestyle and interview magazine that focuses on Celebrating Today's Woman with a readership audience across 52 countries (30 million readers approx), and counting. Next Big Thing Canada is published by TIME Corporate Groupe Inc., a registered corporation in Canada.
Interview Next Big Thing RElmer Nov 2022
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 8.8 MB

PAX HELVETICA: Whistlblower in der Schweiz

Die Schweiz als einzig europäisches Land ohne ein Whistleblower-Gesetz. Das sagt vieles aus, denn die Wahrheit über gewisse Organisationen und Personen darf nicht an die Oeffentlichkeit kommen, weil diese Wahrheit einen grossen gesellschaftlichen Schaden und die Unfähigkeit der Behörden, den Missstand zu beseitigen, offenbart! 

TATORTE: "Die Geldwäscher", Do, 17.11.2022, you event center, Oftringen Di, 29.11.2022, Bernhard Theater Zürich So, 04.12.2022 La Capella, Bern usw.

Süddeutsche Zeitung / Russische Oligarchen und Umgehung der Sanktionen / Kommentar Rudolf Elmer

SD Newspaper: Assets of Russian Oligarchs in Europe and how to untermine sanctions / Comments Rudolf Elmer
Zitat: Zwar hat die Schweiz in den vergangenen Monaten viele westliche Sanktionen gegen russische Oligarchen und Banken übernommen, doch Whistleblower wie etwa der Wirtschaftsprüfer Rudolf Elmer schlagen jetzt Alarm: „Banken haben konzerninterne Kommunikationskanäle, in denen sie Geldüberweisungen ausführen können. Dazu brauchen sie Swift nicht. Eine Schweizer Großbank kann so problemlos für einen Kunden ....... siehe Artikel
SZ-Archiv-20220815_101215 (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 316.9 KB

Die Geldwäscher / The Money Launderers Book by bestselling author Dr. Peter Beutler

The Judge Marti Papers


Firstly, many client names! Judge Marti had made  Bank Julius Baer's General Counsel of the Julius Baer Group to confirm 181 bank accounts of Swiss clients of Bank Julius Baer, Zurich according to written verdict of Aug 19th, 2016 (Judge Marti Papers). Therefore, some of those (e.g. Adriano Agosti, Swisspartners Insurance, Rolf Lienberger/Finazinvest AG, Jürg Grossmann, Curtis Lee Lowell jr . etc.) are listed in the verdict!

Secondly, the "Judge Marti Papers" show that various well-known Swiss and other clients were also Julius Baer Cayman clients!

Thirdly, ATTENTION: Julius Baer Group betrayed clients to law enforcement agencies in violation of banking secrecy to protect itself and convict whistleblower Rudolf Elmer! (Evidence of General Counsel of Julius Bär Group:  Christoph Hiestand). Linkedin profile Hiestand.

Fourtly, Swiss banking secrecy ends at the Swiss border but still exists within Switzerland! It is not dead as Switzerland tries to make civil society believe in order to continue with the dirty business!

Fiftly, how a morally corrupt and incompetent Tax Commission II of the state of Zurich (political body, not a court!) and the Federal Prosecution Office denied any investigation into the data of Julius Baer, Cayman Reason: data has no connection to Swtzerland, what fools!?
This meant that hundreds of millions not collected Swiss taxes which eventually had to be covered by the Swiss etc. tax payer!

Sixthly, the essence of the "Judge Marti Papers", however, is the finding that Julius Baer discloses client names to national and international authorities in the case of self-interest and with hasty blind obedience! 

IF I WERE a client of the bank Julius Baer, Zuerich, I would IMMEDIATELY close ALL my accounts WITH THEM because the risk of THEM disclosing ONES PERSONAL DATA to authorities is demonstrably, A SERIOUS DETERRENT AGAINST HOLDING AN ACCOUNT WITH SUCH A  BANK!

P.S. FAILURE TO CONFORM WITH authorities REQUEST FOR DATA, Bank Julius Baer would have to pay a maximal fine of CHF 10`000! PROVES WHAT THIS greedy bank TRULY THINKS OF IT'S CLIENTS!

This makes the book "Die Geldwäscher/The Money Launderers" FOR VITAL  reading in the view of the Pandora, Panama Papers, FinCEN Files as well as Swissleaks. 

Swiss authorities declared Rudolf Elmer as a international terrorist due to the intervention by Julius Baer, Christoph Hiestand, otherwise the Swiss Secret Service would not have observed him for more than 15 years. Quote Julius Baer`s law firm comparing Rudolf Elmer with the "9/11 crew" : "Elmer is the subject of multi-national criminal investigations related to not only the above referenced theft of confidential records, but also related to his attempted extortion and a campaign of threats and terrorist threats against Plaintiffs and certain of its employees (e.g., death and bomb threats, including reference to “9/11”, and threatening letters containing “white powder” sent to the premises of the Plaintiffs in New York and Zurich)." This remainds Rudolf Elmer what he was told by Julius Baer`s top Management in Zuerich: "We finish you up"!

Finally, a Swiss Banker was killed in the Cayman Islands. It was a brutal murder as the Cayman Compass reported. 



UKC Interview: Forex and Banking Fraud - Brian Gerrish speaks to financial whistleblower Trevor Kitchen. Switzerland in trouble?

Interview: FOREX and Banking Fraud: A UK Column interview with Trevor Kitchen

Should we trust the banks and the banking industry? The banks and the industry say yes, but the facts and their track record over many years suggest that no we shouldn’t trust them. Trevor Kitchen is one man who knows only too well that they are not to be trusted after he started to track the unusual rise of the Swiss Franc.

Link to UK Column, the Interview

TRT WORLD: Credit Suisse verdict / Money Laundering / Interview Rudolf Elmer

TRT WORLD Credit Suisse found guilty! In a first of its kind case, the prestigious bank in Switzerland was convicted of failing to prevent money laundering. The case involves a former Bulgarian wrestler and his drug trafficking gang - and a bank insider - also a Bulgarian former national athlete. And this isn't the first time the bank has been embroiled in scandals with dubious characters... We hear from Rudolph Elmer, a former Swiss banker turned 'whistleblower' who gave bank secrets to Julian Assange and Wikileaks, Tom Stocks, a senior investigator with the ........ The Link : TRT WORLD has a quote of 80 million watchers a day globally!

Bernhard Theater, Zürich etc. "Die Geldwäscher" Vorstellung 10./11. Sept. 2022

Theaterkritik der Uraufführung von 14. Mai 2022: Das Schweizer Autorentheater überLand lässt den Polit Doku Krimi "Die Geldwäscher" des Schweizer Bestsellerautors Peter Beutler als Theater Uraufführung zum Erlebnis werden. Die genialen Stefan Gubser (Tatortkommissar) und Marlise Fischer versprühen bei dieser szenischen Lesung knisternde Spannung. Grossartig auch, wie Karikaturistin Corine Sutter dazu das Geschehen und die Köpfe der Protagonisten illustriert.

 Regie und Dramaturgie machte Reto Lang und auch dabei waren Peter Beutler und Rudolf Elmer, der frühere Manager der Bank Julius Bär in Cayman Islands. Er deckte als Whistleblower kriminelle Machenschaften auf, die das Schweizer Bankgeheimnis ins Wanken brachten. Im Roman von Peter Beutler heisst er Konrad Kloter. Ihm trachten gewisse Leute nach dem Leben. Sowohl in den Cayman Islands, wo Konrad Kloter als Chief Operating Officer der Cäsar Bieder Trust Company tätig ist,  als auch in der Schweiz. ..... siehe Theaterkritik

 Weitere Vorstellungen ... Link

Entschuldigung der Basler Zeitung für diffamierende Kommentare

Basler Zeitung:   "Dieser Artikel enthielt Leserkommentare, die Rudolf Elmer unzulässig diffamierten. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Publikation dieser Leserkommentare. Die Kommentare wurden gelöscht."

Es ging um den Artikel "Rudolf Elmer siegt vor dem Bundesgericht" 


Rudolf Elmer dankt dem Tagesanzeiger bzw. Tamedia, dass die unzulässigen diffamierenden Kommentar gelöscht wurden und sich die Tamedia dafür entschuldigte. Fehler geschehen, man muss nur den Anstand haben, diese zu korrigieren und das demonstrierte Tamedia!

Corruption at the European Court of Human Rights?

My complaint filed with Group of States against Corruption (Council of Europe) dated Oct 28, 2021

The former ECHR President Jean Paul Costa stated publically (quote):

"The ECHR system will fail if the judges do not have the necessary experience and authority. The Court needs the respect of (even the highest) national judges, who must implement human rights and ECHR case law in their daily practice. If this is not the case, the Court itself will suffer from an authority deficit and the system will lose credibility and effectiveness.".

The latter two facts clearly have happened in the case of whistleblower Rudolf Elmer proven by eight submissions to the ECHR which all have been turned down due to dubious reasons if not extremely sloppy work. On top of it the complaint shows that Swiss judges cannot be independent in their rulings due for several reasons (e.g. signing a declaration in the state of Zurich to rule in the interest of the political party which had elected the judge)  etc.

Martin Luther King Jr:

"When evil men plot, good men must plan. When evil men burn and bomb, good men must build and bind. When evil men shout ugly words of hatred, good men must commit themselves to the glories of love. Where evil men would seek to perpetuated an unjust status quo, good men must seek to bring into being a real order of justice."

Why does the Council of Europe (Group of States against Corruption) and the EU Parliament not have the authority to investigate the European Court of Human Rights. Here the answers:
1) Council of Europe, Nov 29, 2021
2) European External Action Services, Jan 28, 2022

I am not fond of Mr. Wladimir Putin,  Mr. Viktor Mihály Orbán,  Mr. Recept Erdogan etc. but I do have a suspicion explained in my complaint why they do not feel comfortable with Europe. For certain matters their country was condemned, but for the same shortcomings Switzerland is protected by the ECHR!

Galileo: Menschen, die die Welt verändern / Whistleblower Rudolf Elmer

Galileo: Das Schweizer Bankgeheimnis verpflichtete Banker/innen bis 2014 zu absoluter Verschwiegenheit, was Kund/innendaten betraf. Es machte das Schweizer Bankwesen zu einem der erfolgreichsten der Welt.
 Doch 2008 packte Rudolf Elmer aus: Er veröffentlichte auf WikiLeaks sensible Bankdaten von etwa 2.000 mutmaßlichen Steuerbetrüger/ innen. Wie war Elmers Weg vom Vorzeigemitarbeiter zum Whistleblower? "Galileo" hat die Tresortür zum Schweizer Bankgeheimnis geöffnet.
   Rudolf Elmer bzw. die Julius Bär Gruppe machte WikiLeaks 2008 weltbekannt und startet eine globale Bewegung "Licht ins Dunkle der Offshore Zentren" zu bringen. Galileo, Montag, 2. Mai 2022, Uhr 19.05 PROSIEBEN

Expert Whistleblower Consulting / A "cold war" against Whistleblowers is going on!

There are few real whistleblowing experts who have practical international experience with politics, law enforcement, courts, intelligence agencies and the media. There are even fewer who know which lawyers and journalists can be trusted and which cannot. 


However, there are many whistleblowers who have lost their jobs etc. due to internal and external whistleblowing, even though they say that anonymous and secure hotlines are available. 


Watch out! Particularly the USA but also law firms are information grabbers, almost like spies, and they certainly do not want to pa foreigner awards (e.g. USA), same with the UK and EU. It appears they all work together to protect themselves, make money and DESTROY TRUST!


If you want expert knowledge, contact "Whistleblower Expert Consulting" via this website to receive professional advice.  


Donation of *55* Bitcoins/ 2 Mio Euros to Ukrainian Cancer Patients by Swiss Whistleblower Elmer

Whistleblower Elmer is willing to donate *55* Bitcoins to (click) cancer-stricken urkrainians as soon as the Zurich justice system finally returns the computer data of his family including the Bitcoin information that was seized 11 resp. 17 years ago by Zuerich`s Prosecution Office!


Elmer requests an advance payment by the State of Zurich who delayed the return of the seized data for more than 8 years! More Information here



Swift: Swiss Sanctions and Swiss Connections

Deutsche Welle: Documentary about Russia and the sanctions in general and in particular related to Switzerland. Why Russian banks are excluded of Sanctions in Switzerland! Interview with Rudolf Elmer. Deutsche Welle 

Suisse Secrets: Die dunklen Geheimnisse der Credit Suisse (ausgezeichneter Bericht!)

Profil Oesterreich: Ein Datenleck enthüllt: Die Schweizer Großbank betreute jahrzehntelang Vermögen von Leuten mit zweifelhaftem Background. Credit Suisse führte Konten für Menschenhändler, Drogenbarone, Waffenschieber, Folterknechte und korrupte Politiker. profil war Teil eines internationalen Rechercheprojekts.


Der Fall Rudolf Elmer

An den Recherchen zu „Suisse Secrets“ war übrigens kein Schweizer Medium beteiligt. Das eidgenössische Bankengesetz stellt Verstöße gegen das „Bankkundengeheimnis“ unter schwere Strafe. Und das könnte auch Journalisten treffen, die geleakte Kontodaten veröffentlichen.... Profil


Wie die schweizerischen Medien im Fall von Rudolf Elmer versagten

Fairmedia: How the Swiss media failed in the case of Rudolf Elmer


It is June 2005 when Rudolf Elmer's story begins in the public eye. The former employee of Bank Julius Baer wants to make public how the secretive bank helps heavily wealthy clients evade their taxes - a practice that is largely unknown to date...........


His case shows what happens when media get it wrong - they had believed the bank more than a whistleblower. Thus, this case also remains an inglorious chapter in Swiss media history. Fairmedia



Menschenrechte reine Heuchlerei in der Causa Julian Assange!

Von den USA, Grossbritannien und Schweden gnadenlos verfolgt

Ludwig A. Minelli / 4.01.2022  Der Fall Julian Assange zeigt: Die Macht erodiert das Recht. Der Bundesrat schweigt, und die Medien versagen.

Infosperber : Ein lesenswerter Artikel und die Kommentare hierzu, um zu verstehen, was die wahren Ziele der Mächtigen in diesem Fall sind. Zum Artikel


International Whistleblower Trevor Kitchen FX Scandal related to Switzerland

US Whistleblower Network News:  In this episode, Jane talks with Trevor Kitchen, a whistleblower who brought attention to currency manipulation involving the British pound, U.S. dollar, and Swiss franc. Kitchen discusses the manner in which and to whom he reported the misconduct. He also talks about the intense retaliation by Swiss authorities he has persevered through to this day for his 2011 whistleblowing and the personal toll that his whistleblower disclosure has taken. US Whistleblower Network News.


People behind the courtain are: banks and high level employees in banks!


„Da merkte ich: Im Banking hats eine unglaubliche kriminelle Energie“

INSIDEPARADEPLATZ: Rudolf Elmer verriet die Julius Bär, welche darauf ihrem abtrünnigen Manager Häscher auf den Hals hetzte. Der Berner Krimiautor Peter Beutler setzt dem Whistleblower in seinem Buch „Die Geldwäscher“ nun ein Denkmal. Banking sei bis heute ein Hort dunkler Geheimnisse geblieben – zulasten der armen Welt. Link INSIDEPARADEPLATZ


Im BUCHZENTRUM SCHWEIZ KRIMI Bestsellerliste Spitzenplatz: Link Platz 7

It has been the same shit for Years!


Spiegel Rui Pinto, the face of Football Leaks, has spent the last nine months in prison. For the first time, he is now speaking out about the 147 charges against him and his time spent in pre-trial detention.
The prison where the football industry's toughest prosecutor is currently being held is located in Lisbon's city center. A path between gray multistory buildings ends in front of the high wall of the law enforcement facility, which is topped with spiral barbed wire. Silence dominates here on this Monday morning, broken only by announcements from the guards over the loudspeakers.
Gereman Internationl newspaper SPIEGEL

Corruption and Impunity: the role of whistleblowers in prevention

9th December 2021 an important and eye opening speech given on the occasion of the

International Anti Corruption Day.


The speech was given by Mrs. Yasmine Motarjemi a truth teller and friend of Rudolf Elmer.


It is not as famous and well kown as The King’s Speech of George IV (Prince Albert Frederick Arthur George, Duke of York ( 14. Dezember 1895 in York CottageSandringhamNorfolk; † 6. Februar 1952) but at least as important for global civil society as "The King`s Speech of George IV! Here the Link 


EU Richtlinie Whistleblowerschutz ORF ECO Mein Kommentar

ORF ECO Whistleblowerschutz mit Kommentar von Rudolf Elmer im ORF ECO zu der EU Whistleblowerschutz, der gesetzlich in den 27 Mitgliedsländer bis zum 17. Dezember 2021 eingeführt sein muss. Deutschland, Oesterreich und viele andere Länder sind säumig. Dänemark und Schweden sind vorbildlich! Der Link ORF CEO

 (Einschaltquote 27 % d.h. 500`000 gilt als sehr gut!)

"THE PASSENGER" introduction to Switzerland

Tourist Guide "The Passenger (Link)" : Leading European law experts talk about the "Case Elmer/Swiss Bank Secrecy" of an act of revenge by the Swiss judicial system, holy inquisition and treatment one would expect in a totalitarian regime (The Economist)!

Law Expert`s Statements in the multilingual tourist guide:

"The courts of the canton behaved towards Elmer "like a holy inquisition", says Professor Dr. iur. hc. Dr. Mark Pieth (Swiss). "If they could not prove his guilt on one count, they would find another to charge him with. Another academic invited to provide legal advice. Prof. Dr. iur. Wolfgang Wohlers (German), also from the University of Basel, recalls that the charge appeared to be motivated by pure revenge. Why? "Elmer was considered to be a Nestbeschutzer, someone who "dirtied the nest" in which he was born  Prof. Dr. iur. Sol Picciotto (English, UN observer and Tax Justice Network expert): "Switzerland bribed its courts to teach Elmer a lesson and discourage would-be truth tellers (whistleblowers), giving him the kind of treatment one might expect from a totalitarian regime!"

What Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. h.c. Thomas Geiser (Swiss and Federal Judge of Switzerland), University St. Gallen, worded in his second opinion related to the Elmer`s employment contract made the judicial system of the state of Zurich look extremely incompetent and highly dubious if not criminal! 

Lastly, Prof. Dr. iur. Werner Kallenberger as a former procecutor made it crystal clear in his long  list of shortcomings that Switzerland`s judicial system is not only incompetent but also arrogant believing that it is above the law. 

THE PASSANGER: Uno svizzero al cento per cento

The Passenger:  Per quasi ventànni, Rudolf Elmer si ü scontrato con un nemico implacabile, la forza congiunta delle banche e dei tribunali svizzeri. Ha pagato und prezzo altissimo, ma la sua lotta ha contruito a scalfire uno dei cardini del sistema finanziario del paese: il segreto bancario. 


Extracto del articlo: I tribunali del cantone si son comporatati nei confronti di Elmer "come una santa inqusizione" afferma Professor Dr. iur. h.c. Dr. Mark Pieth. "Se non potevano dimostrare la sua colpevolezza per un capo dàccusa, ne trovavano un altro per incriminarlo". Un altro accademico invitato a fornire una consulenza legale. Prof. Dr. iur. Wolfgang Wohlers, Germanio, sempre dellùniversita di Basilea, ricorda ce làccusa sembrava mossa da pura vendetta. Perche? "Elmer e stato considerato un Nestbeschutzer, uno che "sporca il nideo" in cui e nato". 

The Passenger Guide to Switzerland

Anythingtosay? Whistleblower Alternative? Let corruption thrive!

Liberation request of Julian Assange


Whistleblower Rudolf Elmer and Swiss Bank Secrecy


Geneva, June 5th, 2021

Link Speech Rudolf Elmer: Dealing with legal cases of whistleblowing in Europe in such an offhand manner as in the case of Julian Assange where one expects honesty and fairness, one would nowadays think having better chances of a fair trial in China or Russia than EU. It becomes crystal clear why Julian Assange does not receive a fair trial and is treated in a disgusting way in Europe. 

More information in my speech "Antythingtosay"!

Link Speech Rudolf Elmer, foto, Geneva, June 5th, 2021

Kriminalroman Neuerscheinung "Die Geldwäscher" - ? Julius Bär oder eine andere?

Ein Whistleblower entblößt das Schweizer Bankgeheimnis.

Konrad Kloter, Chef-Buchhalter einer Zürcher Bank, wird auf den Cayman Islands von einem Wagen angefahren und schwer verletzt liegen gelassen. Der Unfallverursacher begeht Fahrerflucht und wird später erschossen aufgefunden. Doch das ist bloß der Auftakt einer beispiellosen Mord- und Verbrechensserie, deren Drahtzieher nur ein Ziel haben: das Schweizer Bankgeheimnis und damit die größte Geldwäscherei der Welt zu schützen. 
Dr. Peter Beutler (Bestseller-Autor, Emons-Verlag, Deutschland)
Verlag Orell Füssli Bestellung

Comment les pays étrangers assassinent-ils leurs lanceurs d'alerte ?

PANODYSSEY: Quel que soit le pays où l’alerte a été lancée, le discours des lanceurs d’alerte est identique en termes de représailles. Chacun l’a expérimenté à sa façon : l’avenir s’assombrit, la carrière s’arrête puisque, le plus souvent, le monde du travail tourne le dos à celui qui dit la vérité, la justice prend son temps en faisant traîner les dossiers, les adversaires stigmatisent la personnalité du lanceur d’alerte, le citoyen se retrouve démuni, financièrement étranglé, les familles sont en souffrance à quelques rares exceptions. On retrouve les mêmes techniques dans les pays qui........


Rudolf Elmer avait une bonne situation, il travaillait au sein du département audit interne de la banque et avait l’impression de faire partie de ce qu’il appelle « la famille Baer ». Il a complètement changé d’avis lorsqu’il s’est retrouvé aux îles Caïman en tant que Chief Account, c’est-à-dire ........ LINK PANODYSSEY

US President Joe Biden / Julian Assange / WikiLeaks / Rudolf Elmer

Whitman Wire: Julian Assange is simply a publisher using a non-traditional platform and methodology to release materials provided to him by third-party sources such as Chelsea Manning, Rudolf Elmer and others to the public, and thereby promote the transparency that is the bedrock of any free society, not least our own. Link
